keskiviikko 12. helmikuuta 2014

Once upon a time in Pori

Last Friday, early (aka 8.30 AM) in the morning, our journey began. The Comenius YES project and entrepreneurship course’s students were headed to Pori to a fair of young entrepreneurs, and after about an hour of sitting in a bus we dashed inside, filled with excitement.

The cool backseat gang
It took us approximately two minutes to walk through the hallway from one side of the building to another. The question was immediately thrown in the air: “Are we supposed to spend a few hours in here?” And yes, yes we were.

Well, maybe it wasn’t all that dramatic. There wasn’t too much people introducing their business ideas but we decided to go through the ones that seemed to have something to show us. Totally worth it: we (almost) learnt  how to play a new card game, met a girl who used recycled materials and hired unemployed people and even saw clocks made of so-very-popular Matti & Teppo vinyls. We also saw some iPhone covers. And handmade lip blams. And iPhone covers. And learned how to take care of snowboards. Oh, and did I mention that someone sold iPhone covers?

Not all of the ideas were too inspirational or fortune makers, but by talking with entrepreneurs of our own age we learned a thing or two. Maybe having lunch at Subway wasn’t the highlight of the day after all.

Omg phone covers!
The game we never learnt to play...

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